Public transport, public education, our employment and our security.

Dear residents of Radin Mas SMC,

Thank you for your support.


Parents are paying billions of dollars on tuition alone because of the PAP education system. The PAP spend $210M for tuition grants and another $200M for scholarships on foreign students a year. I will represent Singaporeans in parliament to let this $410 Million of taxpayers’ money spent on foreign students a year to be reduced and spend on Singaporeans.


Singapore residents are 6.7% unemployed, under-employed or long-term unemployed. Translating this to about 150,000 Singaporeans, of which more than 100,000 are graduates. I will represent Singaporeans in parliament to have laws and policies that require employers to hire Singaporeans.


MRT Corporation is making profits even in their worst year. The CEO himself earned over S$2.25 million in 2014, which doubled despite the company's ongoing struggle and lack of improvement in quality of train services. Public transport is for the public and for Singaporeans. I will represent Singaporeans in parliament to have a transport system that focus on transporting people smoothly and safely, instead of focusing on profit while transport breakdowns are frequent.

Vote for me so that I can be your voice in parliament and raise the above issues.

Your candidate for Radin Mas SMC,
Han Hui Hui


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