#ReturnOurCPF #还我们公积金 | Nparks manager Sim Bee Lan

The second tranche of our court case is open to public from 24 to 26 Feb 2016 from 9am to 6pm.

The 4 Deputy Public Prosecutors involved are:
1. Senior Director/Senior State Counsel/DPP Francis NG Yong Kiat
2. Deputy Senior State Counsel/DPP John LU Zhuoren
3. State Counsel/DPP Amanda CHONG Wei-Zhen
4. State Counsel/DPP Jane LIM Ern Hui

The following was what happened in court and all grammar mistakes and sounds made are as it is:

4 Deputy Public Prosecutors: When did YMCA apply to Nparks to use Hong Lim Park?
Sim Bee Lan: Second April 2014

4 Deputy Public Prosecutors: And who was the person from YMCA who made this application on the 2nd of April 2014?
Sim Bee Lan: Tia.

4 Deputy Public Prosecutors: Do you know her surname?
Sim Bee Lan: Quah.

4 Deputy Public Prosecutors: And how did she made this application?
Sim Bee Lan: She email me.

4 Deputy Public Prosecutors: And when did you grant approval to YMCA for the use of Hong Lim Park?
Sim Bee Lan: 9 September 2014.

4 Deputy Public Prosecutors: And how did you er send this approval to Tia?
Sim Bee Lan: I email her.

Han Hui Hui: You mentioned that the 6 applications were approved by Nparks on the same day, what is your approval procedure?
Sim Bee Lan: The applicant will apply through online single quarter form and they will just fill in the information and they will just click submit then they will receive the approval.

Han Hui Hui: Immediately?
Sim Bee Lan: Yes, immediately.

Han Hui Hui: Can I conclude there was no procedure whether an application will be rejected or before an approval will be granted?
Judge: *rejected*

Han Hui Hui: A Singaporean just has to fill in the online form, click submit and will get an instant approval?
Sim Bee Lan: Only erm the IC must be valid before you click submit if not the application cannot go through.

Han Hui Hui: A Singaporean who fills in the online application form with a valid NRIC number will get an instant approval?
Sim Bee Lan: Yes.

Han Hui Hui: On the Nparks website, there are three options but a Singaporean is only allowed to choose one, is this true?
Sim Bee Lan: Yes.

Han Hui Hui: Under section 5 (2), 15, 46 and 48 of the Public Order Act Chapter 257A, Hong Lim Park’s Speakers’ Corner is Singapore’s one and only unrestricted area for Singaporeans to practice their rights to the freedom of speech and freedom of expression, is this true?
4 Deputy Public Prosecutors: *objection*

Han Hui Hui: Is Speakers’ Corner the one and only area in Singapore where Singaporeans can practice and exercise their rights to the freedom of speech and freedom of expression?
Judge: *rejected*

Han Hui Hui: Under the public order act, is Speakers’ Corner the one and only venue allowed for Singaporeans to practice their rights to the freedom of speech and freedom of expression?
Sim Bee Lan: Yes.

Han Hui Hui: May I know from when did you start working with the Nparks?
Sim Bee Lan: 2002.

Han Hui Hui: Were there any protest marches since you’ve started working with the Nparks until 27 September 2014?
Sim Bee Lan: I was not in charge of the park until 2008.

Han Hui Hui: From 2008 to 27 September 2014, were there any protest marches being carried out at Hong Lim Park’s Speakers’ Corner?
Sim Bee Lan: *after about half a minute* wait, can you rephrase your question?

Han Hui Hui: Were there any protest marches being carried out between 2008 to 27 September 2014?
Sim Bee Lan: I don’t understand your protest march means.

Han Hui Hui: Did you witness any protest march on 27 September 2014?
Sim Bee Lan: Yes.

Han Hui Hui: Any similar act from 2008 to 2014?
Sim Bee Lan: No.

Han Hui Hui: Do you recall AWARE, a female organisation organizing protest march?
Judge: I’m gonna disallow this question.

Han Hui Hui: Is the Speakers’ Corner the unrestricted area for any demonstration and organizing or participating of demonstration?
Sim Bee Lan: Yes.

Han Hui Hui: The Speakers’ Corner is Singapore’s one and only venue that is being gazetted from Singapore’s public entertainment and meeting act, is this true?
Sim Bee Lan: *after about half a minute* er unsure.

Han Hui Hui: Is the Speakers’ Corner exempted from the public entertainment and meeting act?
Sim Bee Lan: Yes.

Han Hui Hui: Is the Speakers’ Corner an unrestricted area that was created for Singaporeans to voice their anger and frustration against government policies?
Sim Bee Lan: *after about half a minute* simplified your question?

Han Hui Hui: Is the Speakers’ Corner the one and only venue for Singaporeans to vent their anger and frustration against government policies?
Sim Bee Lan: *minutes of silence*
Judge: She’s not able to answer that question.

Han Hui Hui: Do you recall, during the application filled in by Han Hui Hui myself, at the place whereby we were supposed to write comments, I wrote the entire activity and included protest march?
Sim Bee Lan: I cannot recall.

Han Hui Hui: Do you recall what did I write in the box?
Sim Bee Lan: I cannot recall.

Han Hui Hui: Under the Parks and Trees regulations, Speakers’ Corner is the only venue whereby we Singaporeans are allowed to hold demonstrations, is this true?
Sim Bee Lan: Can you repeat again.

Han Hui Hui: Under the Parks and Trees regulations, Speakers’ Corner is the only venue for Singaporeans to hold demonstrations, is this true?
Sim Bee Lan: Yes.

Han Hui Hui: Did you witness any of the four of us here leading the protest march on 27 September 2014?
Sim Bee Lan: Yes.

Han Hui Hui: Did you attempt to stop that person?
Sim Bee Lan: No.

Han Hui Hui: May I know your reason for not taking any action?
Sim Bee Lan: *after about 10 seconds* we have advised you.

Han Hui Hui: You are now saying that you’ve advised me earlier, did you send me any letter?
Sim Bee Lan: No.

Han Hui Hui: You did not send me any letter or any form of identification and you claimed that you’ve advised me right?
Sim Bee Lan: Yes.

Han Hui Hui: Did you have the commissioner of parks’ approval before giving any advice?
Sim Bee Lan: Can you rephrase your question?

Han Hui Hui: You mentioned that you went to give advice right?
Sim Bee Lan: Yes.

Han Hui Hui: Was it under the order of the commissioner of parks?
Sim Bee Lan: No.

Han Hui Hui: Did you get any approval from the commissioner of parks before giving advice?
Sim Bee Lan: No.

Han Hui Hui: May I conclude that the commissioner of parks did not give you any order and you did not get any approval before giving advice?
Judge: *rejected*

Ivan: Why you did not advice any of the party to build a barricade there?
Sim Bee Lan: We did put out potted box to mark the area on site.

Ivan: How you mark it?
Sim Bee Lan: We planted box.

Ivan: Planted box?
Sim Bee Lan: Ah planted boxes.

Ivan: Boxes, what type of boxes?
Sim Bee Lan: Boxes with plants, erm it’s not a box it’s a erm potted plants.

Ivan: Potted plants, why don’t you get contractors to build barricade like during election?
Sim Bee Lan: As I’ve told you, Speakers’ corner is a share space.

Ivan: Is a shared place so everybody can share together right?
Judge: *rejected*

Janet: You wanted to tell Hui Hui there is another event at Hong Lim Park right?
Sim Bee Lan: Yes.

Janet: You want to call her to tell her that?
Sim Bee Lan: Yes.

Janet: Why don’t you email her, why didn’t you do that?
Sim Bee Lan: I want to contact her erm through phone.

Janet: But just through phone, later you can deny?
4 Deputy Public Prosecutors: *objection*

Janet: You can’t get her but there are 6 people, I’m one of them, why didn’t you call me?
Sim Bee Lan: Because I understand Ms Han Hui Hui is the organizer of this CPF event.

Janet: But you still have to call me and inform me isn’t it, I was shocked when I saw YMCA was there when I reached, don’t you think you have the responsibility to tell me too since I’m one of the applicant?
Sim Bee Lan: Because she is the organizer of the CPF event so I call her.

Janet: When you know that their event was big and our event is a protest event, you approve it, after that you have told Tia to tell us, I don’t know what you are going to come back to us, what you’re going to tell us but you did not inform the rest of us, so isn’t it Nparks responsibility that causes such a clash?
Sim Bee Lan: *minutes of silence*
Judge: So is Nparks responsible for the clash?
Sim Bee Lan: No.

Janet: You agree that people can cross over from one event to other event?
Sim Bee Lan: As I have said, it’s a open park and people is free to move around.

Janet: So you agree that people can move around freely in Speakers’ Corner, there is no demarcation?
Sim Bee Lan: It’s a open erm park, anybody can move or walk around the park.

Janet: Is it fair to me that you did not call me and you have now caused me to be charged as a criminal in this box here, is it fair to me because of you not calling me?
Sim Bee Lan: *minutes of silence*
Judge: Next question.

Janet: I’m asking her a question, she has not answer me, the question is that because of her negligence of calling us and because I’m not aware there’s another event there, is it fair to me that now because of her not calling me, now I’m being charged as a criminal in this box here, is it fair to me?
4 Deputy Public Prosecutors: *objection*
Judge: She has already said that she didn’t call you.

Janet: Because of her negligence so I’m asking is it fair to me or not, if she has informed me, I would have said ok I will cancel…
Judge: Calm down.


Forest Person said…
"Sim Bee Lan: As I have said, it’s a open park and people is free to move around. "

But ILLEGAL leh! Not illegal, then why you Nparks, charged them? Not the reason for the CLASH? So easy to deny responsibility, is it not, Nparks?

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