#YearningForJustice : A mother's musings to her future child

Singaporean Han Hui Hui started blogging in 2007.

Within a decade, blogging leads her to vlogging, making YouTube videos, meeting people in public, being part of public gatherings, interrogated by the Singapore police, charged in court by the Attorney-General's Chambers, fined by the authority, imprisoned by the establishment, deported by the Malaysian immigration back to Singapore under the demand of the Singapore government in 2017...

To grow from a secondary school student in 2007 under the public eye, to have social media platforms being scrutinised by the people, to the extent of having public funds being used to pay the Attorney-General's Chambers so that they can type transcripts of Hui Hui's videos in order to coerce her via an unwritten law - a jail sentence of 18 years and a fine of SGD$600,000 in 2017 is something no one has, and hopefully no one will have to experience.

In 2018, the gratitude to be nominated by the International Federation for Human Rights as Singapore's first human rights fellow is immense. The successful nomination has resulted in the exposure to new experiences that most Singaporeans will never have in their entire life - just like the Swiss standard of living that was promised to Singaporeans by the Singapore government, or the incumbent ruling party implementing a system that will protect the housing, healthcare and retirement of Singaporeans.

Hui Hui will become a mother this year in 2019 at the age of 27.
The fellowship together with the master's students at the University of York - which is based in one of the United Kingdom's human rights city has allowed her to undergo pregnancy in a first world country where one doesn't have to worry about #Housing or #Healthcare in England, more importantly - to document the #HumanRights situation in Singapore in the 2010s as a letter to her child.

The letter will be published into a book by the Centre for Applied Human Rights at the University of York.

The 9 chapters in the book are in the following order:
1. Right to freedom of expression
2. Right of workers
3. Right to an adequate standard of living
4. Right to health
5. Right to freedom of media
6. Right to housing
7. Right to freedom of peaceful assembly
8. Poverty and inequality
9. Social discrimination

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Week 31

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