The Exodus of Singaporean Lawyers and the label from "The Leader of The Protests" to "The Leader of The Unvaccinated" in Singapore

In Singapore, the government Attorney-General's Chambers (AGC) is busy persecuting lawyers who speak up, or merely raised questions about the incumbent ruling party.

On 23 March 2023, lawyer Charles Yeo Yao Hui, who has a warrant of arrest issued against him after he absconded, intended to go to the UK to seek political asylum.

On 21 March 2023, lawyer M. Ravi has been handed the maximum suspension of five years for making “baseless and grave” allegations against the Attorney-General, prosecutors and the Law Society that undermine the integrity of Singapore’s justice system.

On 3 March 2023, the police have opened investigations into Mr Lee Hsien Yang and his wife Lee Suet Fern for potential offences of giving false evidence in judicial proceedings, Senior Minister Teo Chee Hean told Parliament.

On 9 November 2022, former WP chief Low Thia Khiang and party chairman Sylvia Lim, had been found by the High Court in 2019 to have breached their fiduciary duties to AHTC, while current party chief Pritam Singh had breached his “duties of skill and care”.

On 23 September 2022, Lawyer and opposition politician Lim Tean, 57, who is accused of multiple offences including stalking, was handed two more charges – refusing to answer a public servant's questions and a second count of criminal breach of trust as an attorney.

On 16 February 2022, Parliament voted to refer Leader of the Opposition and Workers' Party chief Pritam Singh for further probe by the Public Prosecutor over a lying scandal, after a four-hour debate in which Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong urged MPs from both sides of the aisle to vote with their conscience.

What do these people have in common?
They are all lawyers.
They are all lawyers who are persecuted by the Singapore government.
They are all lawyers who are persecuted by the Singapore government for questioning government policies or structure.
Because of the Singapore government silencing these lawyers by making them spend resources on their own legal cases, is there any other lawyers who speak up or simply raise questions in Singapore?
Is there any lawyer who would like to represent Singaporeans such as Sng Su Hui, Yeo Sheau Yuen, Lim Beng Kwang, Lawrence Simon Anthony and Muhammad Faizal Mustafa?
No, not currently.
So, the AGC is now asking me to represent Sng Su Hui, Yeo Sheau Yuen, Lim Beng Kwang, Lawrence Simon Anthony and Muhammad Faizal Mustafa in Singapore court.
Am I a lawyer? No.
Am I legally trained? No.
Am I someone with legal background? No.
I'm just a Singaporean mother to my Singaporean children aged 3, aged 2 and 1. My youngest was just born end of last year.
I have already gone through six hours of cross examination (9am-12pm on 25 January 2023 and 9am-12pm on 22 February 2023) is this how public resources should be used?
Why is the AGC summoning me to Singapore supreme court chamber 2-5 on 5 April 2023 at 9am?
Why is the AGC not interrogating the six corrupted individuals from GLC Keppel instead?

If there is no corruption, why pay fine to foreign government?

Meanwhile, on 30 March 2023, Karl Liew, the son of Changi Airport Group’s former chairman Liew Mun Leong, admitted to lying to a district judge in the case involving his family’s former maid, Ms Parti Liyani.

Will the AGC jail him since he is a bankrupt?
Or will the AGC fine him as a bankrupt to put a up a show to pacify the population?

Why is the AGC not cross examining the six corrupted individuals from GLC Keppel instead?

Why are public resources being used to politically persecute me for 11 consecutive years?
I'm not a lawyer.
I'm a mother.
I'm a mother who wants my children to live in a decent house, not a 9 sq m room with shared kitchen, shared toilet and shared shower.
I'm a mother who wants my children to have a humane healthcare, not spend a day at the polyclinic and not get to see the doctor at all.
I'm a mother who wants my children to have a career that allows growth, not face job mobility and training challenges.
I want my future generation to have access to proper public housing, public healthcare, a career that allows them to retire and enjoy their golden age instead of being arrested for selling tissue paper at bus interchange.
A decade ago, the AGC labelled me "The Leader of The Protests" in Singapore.
Now, the AGC labelled me "The Leader of The Unvaccinated" in Singapore.
When will I not be labelled as a leader?


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